Window on the Clearwater
Traditional news Today's technology
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Ray Norton and Phil Johnston, both of Orofino, are the winners!

The lime mine on Canada Hill is the answer for Week 171 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: It left a mark

Tuesday: Found in 1899

Wednesday: On a hill above town

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According to information in Orofino, ID: The Preservation of a Cultural and Historical Past by katie Eichert, J. S. Bigley discovered the lime on Canada Hill in 1899 and quarrying began soon after. In 1904, the Clearwater Lime Company enlarged and improved the plant at the intersection of Main Ave. and Fourth St. Two kilns can still be seen in that vicinity today. (See Trivia 27)

(Photo courtesy of Clearwater Historical Museum)

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