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Congratulations to all of you that knew parts of the information about the historical photo!

Week 58 is a photo of Orofino Police Officers in 1955. See more details below:


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Tuesday: Jacci (Erbst) Heuberger, Carnation, WA identified Chief William Pishl (second from left). John Werner sent the correct names for the first two men from the left in the photo: Wesly Pishl and Philpot. Ryan Smathers (with the help of Dennis Thompson) also got the first two correct. Ryan and Dennis also identified Jim Kitchen as the third man from left. Harriet Reece was able to identify all four of the men, with the fourth being Art Brandt. All four men worked for Orofino Police Department. John suggested that the photo was taken in 1953 or 1954 and Harriet felt that was about the time. What do you think?

Wednesday: Ray Norton sent this note today. "The picture was taken in Sept 1955. Art Brandt was hired in late summer 1955 because of work loads. Wes Pishl quit around Dec 15, 1955 and started the bulk plant Jan. 1, 1956." Can anyone tell us why they each have a different uniform?

Thursday: Wes Pishl (one of those in the photo) said that the uniforms are different because they wore different ones according to shifts and seasons they worked. Cost was also a factor in some of the uniform choices.

Friday: John Werner sent along this piece of trivia. "RDWerner (his father, Bob Werner, publisher of the Clearwater Tribune) ran a story about Pishl catching an escapee along about this time, chasing him down river to about Lenore.Ford made a police model car along about that time called an "Interceptor." The headline read:
Escapee Plucked
As Pishl Pours Petrol
To Police Interceptor

What do you think their pay scale was like compared to other area law enforcement officers of the period?

Saturday: Today we will have just a quick wrap up on OPD during the time of this photo. Wes Pishl said the Orofino officers were paid well for the period. He remembers going with Chief Philpot to a meeting in Moscow. During the meeting, he had a discussion with the chief from Moscow and found he was making $10 a month more than the chief. There were some readers who submitted the names Leonard Prudhomme and Fred Lingren. Pishl said Prudhomme worked for the department prior to this photo and Lingren worked for the city after that time. Both Kitchen and Pishl quit in December of 1955. Pishl went to work for the Chevron bulk plant and Kitchen at the Shell bulk plant.

Trivia Archives

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Orofino, ID 83544
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