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Miles Addition is the answer for Week 432 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: Was part of a Nez Perce Tribal member's allotment

Tuesday: Many things used to grow there.

The land where Miles Addition is now was once a part of the Nez Perce allotment of Louisa Adams Powaukie (Charlie Adams daughter). It was purchased in about 1905 for $25 per acre and used as the gardens for State Hospital North. There was also at one time a laundromat in that area.

Later a court case was filed because the federal government was not a party to the state's condemnation proceedings. Joseph Miles (heir of Louisa Powaukie) was awarded 26 acres between the hospital and the highway. Miles Addition was platted in 1958, but the western part of the subdivision was never developed as residential. The new Clearwater Valley Medical Clinic will be on that portion.

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