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Nez Perce cradle boards is the answer for Week 419 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: Came in different sizes

Tuesday: Some were richly decorated

Wednesday: Little children

Thursday: Some made of deer skin

Nez Perce cradle boards came in various sizes depending on their purpose. Some had handles at the top that made them easier to pick up and carry. Larger cradle boards were made with deer skin stretched over a wooden frame. Those were beautifully decorated with beading and quills. The large ones are sometimes over three feet long and two feet wide. When they are carried on a horse, they are fastened to the saddle on a hook made especially to carry them. The baby hangs down to the side of the horse, resting against its shoulder. The baby is often rocked to sleep with the horse's movements, according to 'Be Brave, Tah-hy: The Journey of Chief Joseph's Daughter'.

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