Window on the Clearwater
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The City of Orofino Water Plant is the answer for Week 350 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: One part was built in 1931.

Tuesday: Some parts are antiquared.

Wednesday: Changes in weather impact it.

Thursday: Provides a service that most take for granted

The first part of City of Orofino's water plant, the pumphouse, was built in 1931. After the water was pumped out of the river, it was chlorinated and pumped directly into the water system. That pumphouse sits on the bank of the Clearwater River off Main St. and the intakes are just below it in the river.

In 1953, a new water plant was built and the water from the pumphouse piped into it. The newer water plant uses multi media to filter and prepare the water for distribution. It has a million gallon a day capacity. It sits near the pumphouse, just off Main St. That plant is still in use today and though it meets current federal Drinking Water requirements, it doesn't meet the capacity flow that the community needs. However, the biggest problem is that the equipment is antiquated and Water/Wasterwater Supervisor Michael Martin describes it as working with "bubble gum, duct tape and eBay parts". The city is in process of the design and construction of a new water plant.

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