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A scarcity of women is the answer for Week 341 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: 1904

Tuesday: A dearth

Wednesday: Numbers were very different.

Thursday: 103 of one group and 31 of the other

Friday: They could help each other.

Saturday: Some of both groups had homesteads or businesses.

Monday: Some could have used help with their homesteads.

Tuesday: They were all of marriageable age.

Wednesday: A comparison of genders

Friday: An important situation in Orofino at the time

This article appeared in the Oro Fino News on Friday, May 27, 1904--Vol. 1, No. 6

“Scarcity of Women. There is a dearth of women in this locality, and a few good, live hustling women would have no trouble in getting excellent husbands here. Oro Fino voting precinct has 103 bachelors and widowers, nearly all of whom have homesteads, or own some property. Some of them are in business in town and are ranked among our best citizens.

To off-set this number of bachelors and widowers there are but 31 females of marriageable age, including widows, in the precinct. Seven of the young women and widows have homestead claims of their own, and every one of them needs the help of a good, strong, husky young man to improve the land and build up a home.”

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