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Kay Mathews DeFrancesco, Rathdrum, is the winner!

Eldon Hutchins is the answer for Week 329 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: Involved in many enterprises

Tuesday: Talented writer

Wednesday: Dual citizenship

Thursday: Served during World War II

Friday: Made wildlife and adventure movies

According to information with his book, By and About Old Timers, Eldon Hutchins was born Jan. 29, 1921 in northen Alberta, Canada to Loid and Maude Hutchins who were American citizens. Thus he could claim dual citizenship. He served in the Army-Air Force for three years during World War II.

He describes himself as a 'Jack-of-all Trades' and master of none. He was involved in numerous ventures including a restaurant and service station, retail groceries, hardware, appliances and television. He built and operated television cable systems in the early days of TV.

He and his family also worked salmon fishing in Alaska for a few weeks each summer and the rest of the summer they spent making wildlife and adventure films. He also traveled throughout the US presenting film lectures.

He began writing at an early age, both short stories and poetry. However, it was only in his later years that he started doing anything with them. At the publishing of By and About Old Timers, he had published two books of poetry and this one of old time stories.

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