Window on the Clearwater
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Harriet Reece is the winner!

Riverside Motel is the answer for Week 320 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country. Watch for more on the history of the business.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: It has been many things.

Tuesday: There have been various owners.

Wednesday: Sleeping is an option.

Thursday: Fishing is an option.

Friday: A restaurant

This is an early photo of the Riverside Motel from an undated postcard. Notice that each of the units had a garage. The back of the postcard reads: Riverside Motel. 2 miles west of Orofino. In North Idaho on the Clearwater River. On Highway 12. Thirteen units, seven kitchenettes, all electric, all modern. Owners, F.E. MacDonald ad Elisabeth Erickson. Tel. Granite 2-6511.

This is a photo of the current Riverside Motel on U.S. Highway 12 near mile marker 42. It is now within the city limits. The building in front to the right is currently a guesthouse. It has been many types of businesses over the years.

Please check back for more. We are still research parts of the history.

Trivia Archives

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