Window on the Clearwater
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John Werner, Scarsdale, NY, and Harriet Reece, Lewiston and Cavendish are the winners!

The Idaho Champion Western Red Cedar Tree is the answer for Week 314 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: Largest in the Idaho

Tuesday: Long a part of the landscape

Wednesday: Near Elk River

Thursday: More than 18 feet in diameter

Friday: In the Upper Basin

There were several other readers that were very close in their answers. Some of the trees that they mentioned are a topic for future trivia.

Elk River is the home of the Idaho Champion Western Red Cedar Tree, the largest tree in the state. It is estimated to over 3,000 years old and is more than 18 feet in diameter. It stands in the upper basin at the head of Elk Creek and is over 177 feet tall.

John Werner shared this link to a web site with photos and additional info about the tree.

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