Window on the Clearwater
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Ray Norton, Rosalie Oxford and Harriet Reece are the winners!

Mary Towles is tne answer for Week 313 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: She usually wore her hair up.

Tuesday: The family lived up on Eureka Ridge.

Wednesday: Math and science

Mary Ellen Towles was born April 23, 1909 In Butte, MT to James and Elsie Cryderman Hawks. After graduating from Montana State University, she taught algebra, geometry, English, Latin, chemistry and history for six years in Harrison, MT.

She married Hollis Towles and they had a son and a daughter before moving to a ranch on Eureka Ridge near Orofino. She started teaching math and science in Orofino in 1954. She retired in 1977.

Her former students describe her as a caring person who helped students. Her hobbies included genealogy, gardening and antiques.

She passed away in 2002 and is buried at Sanders Cemetery off Wells Bench Rd.

"I first met Mary Towles when we were active in AAUW. We both became state officers and traveled together to state meetings. She was a wonderful person, well educated, intelligent, and caring. I am privileged to have known her."
--Harriet Reece

"We were at the hospital, and heard that Mrs Towles was a patient. We couldn't see her from the door, and going closer, we hesitated, didn't know if she was awake. I'm glad we went in. My son said "Mrs Towles?" and she responded, and my son said, 'You were my teacher.' Very softly she said : 'Teaching', with the sweetest smile.

"A strong woman, a gentlewoman. Honorable---That was Mrs. Towles. It was good knowing her."
--Rosalie Oxford

(Photo from the 1960 Prospector, the Orofino High School annual, courtesy of Clearwater Historical Museum)

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