Window on the Clearwater
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Harriet Reece, of Cavendish and Lewiston, is the winner!

Greer Ferry is the answer for Week 306 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: Provided a connection

Tuesday: Changed operators several times

Wednesday: Gold rush

Greer Ferry was constructed across the Clearwater River by Colonel William Craig and Jacob Schultz in 1861 to serve the local miners and packers passing through to Pierce during the gold rush era. It also provided a link between the Nez Perce Prairie and the Weippe Prairie. Other operators followed the builders.

According to the web site, by the time of the Nez Perce War in 1877, John Greer, for whom the town was named, and John Molly owned the ferry. During that time, the Indians set the ferry loose in the river and burned the ferry house making it harder for the army to chase them.

Greer persevered and built a new ferry house. He and new business associate John Dunn, later platted the townsite when the railroad came to the town in 1899. When a bridge was built in 1914, the ferry became unnecessary.

Photo courtesy of Clearwater Historical Museum

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Window on the Clearwater
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