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Ray Norton and Harriet Reece are the winners!

The Civilian Conservation Corps is the answer for Week 285 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: The Great Depression

Tuesday: First Forest Service camp in the area at Bungalow

During the Depression, Congress created the Civilian Conservations Corps to put unemployed young men between the ages of 17 and 21 to work. The first CCC camp established on the Clearwater National Forest was at Bungalow. Another camp was later established at Cold Springs.

Ralph Space in his book, The Clearwater Story, says the CCC crews could be utilized in any type of conservation work. On the Clearwater, they wee employed primarily in blister rust control, road building and fire fighting. A large part of the blister rust control was done by these crews. They also built many miles of road and were a "powerful, well trained, firefighting force", according to Space.

The CCC work ended with World War II due to the need for men.

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