Window on the Clearwater
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Frank Neff is the answer for Week 267 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Tuesday: Born along the Italian Swiss border

Wednesday: Lived in France for 20 years and said they were the happiest of his life

Thursday: His wife and daughter decided not to come with him to America.

Friday: He lived on land he bought from Potlatch up Grangemont Rd.

Saturday: Sold the land to Alph Johnson

Monday: Would give you the shirt off his back or hate you with a passion

Tuesday: Kept goats

Wednesday: Died in 1956 or 1957

Thursday: Phil Johnston now lives on land he had owned.

Frank Neff was born along the Italian/Swiss border and spent 20 years living in France. He said those were the happiest years of his life because he couldn't drink the water and had to drink wine. He was married and had a daughter. When he decided to come to the "new country" they decided not to come with him.

Frank bought a piece of property on Grangemont Rd. from Potlatch and lived there until 1952 or 1953 when he sold it to Alph Johnson. Phil Johnston now lives on the property.

He is described as a man who would give you the shirt off his back or hate you with a passion.

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