Window on the Clearwater
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Kay Mathews DeFrancesco, Rathdrum, is the winner!

Daniel G. 'Dan' and Elizabeth Tyra 'Lizzie' Anderson are the answer for Week 244 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country. Each day we will give you another clue.

When you think you know the answer, drop us an email at: Please, let us know where you are from, if it is out of the area.

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Monday: Homesteaded

Tuesday: Had an impact on the community

Wedesday: Left Norway at 18 years old to come to the U.S.

Thursday: Helped start a school and a community church

Saturday: Was a prankster and jolly fellow

Monday: Teachers boarded with the family.

Daniel G. 'Dan' and Elizabeth Tyra 'Lizzie' Anderson were long time residents of the Wells Bench area. Daniel homestead the ranch where their son, Clifford, still lives in 1904 and patented it in 1905. He had come to the United States from Norway when he was 18 years old. He came to Orofino from Minnesota along with a number of other Norwegians that had been living there such as the Loseths, Helgesons and Iversons.

He and Lizzie married in 1912. They helped to start a school and community church. Teachers from the school often boarded with the family. Cliff said that his father was quite a prankster and sometimes played tricks on the teachers.

In addition to clearing the land and building it up for the ranch, Daniel grazing some cattle and hauled loads with horses. Cliff said his father was a jolly fellow that played with the children when he was not working.

Photo: Elizabeth and Daniel Anderson Dec. 25, 1941 (Photo courtesy of Cliff Anderson)

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