Window on the Clearwater
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Phil Johnston, Orofino, and John Werner, Scarsdale, NY are the winners!

Orofino's water treatment plant is the answer for Week 225 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country. Watch each day for another clue.

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Monday: Gabion baskets

Tuesday: Stoddard Electric

Wednesday: Has impact all over downtown

Thursday: Process starts at the Clearwater River

Friday: 1953 was a milestone.

Saturday: Its capacity was expanded in 1971 to include residences on hills and upper Michigan Ave.

Prior to 1940, The downtown area of Orofino was supplied by cisterns up Canada Hill. These were not supplying enough water, so sometime around 1930, the lower pump house that is still there was installed and pumps put in to pump straight Clearwater River water in the downtown area.

In 1953, the filter plant was put in to treat the river water. This fed only areas that were at Orofino Creek level and not any residences on the hills or upper Michigan Ave.

In 1971, a one million gallon water reservoir and the presnet two 125 horsepower distribution pumps were installed. This enabled water to be delivered to the residences on the hillsides above the level of the treatment plant.

In 1988, a surface scatter online turbidimeter was installed. This allowed continuous monitoring of the river turbidity, with an alarm shut down of plant when the river turbidity increased above the treatment level of the plant.

In 1993, a new ocntroller was installed upstairs which controles the entire plant and the control valves on the filler beds were re-built.

2003, was another milestone when gabion baskets were constructed in the river to keep water over the intakes.

The city is currently in process, with a Master Water Plan, of making plans for a new treatment plant.

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