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James Givens, first administrator at State Hospital North is the answer for Week 222 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: Remembered through the years

Tuesday: Once in a position of leadership

Wednesday: Memorialized

Thursday: He started something that continues today.

Friday: Was quite a horseman

Saturday: Brick and mortar bear his name

Dr. James Givens came with the first patients in 1905 to establish State Hospital North which was then called Northern Idaho Sanitarium and Insane Asylum. He had been an Army physician and liked things to be in military order. There were inspections and patients marched to and from meals. Life was carefully scheduled, as it would be in the military. He was also quite a horse fancier.

According to historical information, other towns in north Idaho had offered incentives to get the facility. However, when Givens came to the Clearwater Valley, he said, "This is the place."

He had been a physician at State Hospital South and brought the patients from there with him to establish the facility.

Dances were held during the winter months when there was not much work to do. Ralph Shriver played for many of the dances.

Givens served at State Hospital North until his death in 1926. Givens Hall (which now houses the Idaho Correctional Institution-Orofino Work Projects inmates) was built during the administration of John L. McElway who followed him.

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