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U.S. Highway 12 is the answer for Week 220 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: Faster access

Tuesday: Increased use

Wednesday: At times noisy

Thursday: National designation and recognition

Friday: Follows the river

According to Wikipedia, U.S. Highway 12 was created in 1925 as part of the original system of U.S. highways. It originally ended in Miles City, MT. It was extended west to Lewiston in 1962. There are numerous historical areas and markers along the route commemorating the Lewis and Clark Expedition, Nez Perce Indians, ferries, tramways and other sites.

From Lewiston it follows the Clearwater River to Lenore, Orofino, Kamiah and continues up to the Lochsa River before climbing to Lolo Pass. This eastern portion, up the Lochsa and then to Lolo Pass is designated as part of the Lewis and Clark Historic Trail. This section built in the early 1960s makes US 12 the last US highway constructed.

In addition to beging designated as part of the Lewis and Clark Historic Trail, US 12 has in recent years also been designated part of the Northwest Passage Scenic Byway and an All American Road.

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