Window on the Clearwater
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Winners are Ray Norton, Harriet Reece and John Werner!

The John and Merle Loseth home is the answer for Week 202 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: It overlooks the river.

Tuesday: Purposes have changed.

Wednesday: Thousands pass by it every week

Thursday: Windows catch the eye.

Friday: Built in 1903 as a church

The home where John and Merle Loseth now live above Riverside Ave. was built in 1903 as a Catholic Church. The original structure was 25 x 40 feet. There was no parking by the church and those attending had to park on Riverside Ave. and climb three flights of stairs.

John's father purchased the structure in 1936 and did some remodeling. A rock wall was built in the 1930s so the driveway could go in. The driveway was only big enough for one car. There was a carport at the top. He also changed the front basement area where the priest's quarters had been. The cement wall was all done by hand.

John grew up living in the house and he and Merle purchased it from his father. There was a hill in the back with trees. John logged and leveled it, as well as making a roadway. They also put additions on the home.

The wall and sidewalk below the home were built by Idaho Transportation Department. There was a dispute with the state over the right-of-way and Loseths prevailed.

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As the Catholic Church built in 1903

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Some of the early remodeling after John's family bought the property

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In the late 1930s or early 1940s after John's father did some remodeling

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During World War II with a Victory Garden

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After some of the early remodeling that John and Merle did

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Window on the Clearwater
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Orofino, ID 83544
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