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John Werner, Scarsdale, NY is the winner

Orofino Lumberjack Dsys Princesses is the answer for Week 176 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Tuesday: Harriet Reece

Wednsday: Advertise

Thursday: A hat

Friday: Ambassador

Saturday: Kelsey Stemrich

Monday: Some wore a gown and a crown

Harriet (Walrath) Reece, was a princess during the first Orofino Lumberjack Days in 1947 and Kelsey Stemrich is one of the two current princesses for the event. The first Orofino Celebrations Royalty did not have a contest, fancy gowns or crowns as they do today. They wore jeans and logger shirts. Each had been nominated by an organization in the county. During their ball in August that year, a hat was passed around and the queen was the girl that pulled out the paper that said queen. That year, it was Carolyn (Tull) Cuddy. The rest of the girls were princesses.

Today, there is a contest and the girls wear gowns and crowns, but the focus of the royalty is the same now as it was then, to travel around the region as ambassadors and advertise the upcoming Orofino Lumberjack Days and Clearwater County Fair inviting everyone to come enjoy the celebration.

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