Window on the Clearwater
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John Werner, Scarsdale, NY and Glenna Johnston, Orofino are the winners!

A butter churn is the answer for Week 130 of Orofino History Trivia, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country. Watch Monday for a photo of one from the Clearwater Historical Museum and a delightful story about the Orofino Creamery.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: Some go up and down and some round and round

Tuesday: Product white as snow

Wednesday: End result smooth and silky

Thursday: Cows are involved

Friday: This object is made of wood.

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Wooden Butter Churn

The cream was skimmed off the top of cow's milk and poured into the churn. The crank was turned until the cream became butter. This churn was used by the Brown Family for many years.

--Donated by Herb and Mary Brown and on display at the Clearwater Historical Museum

Many of our readers guessed the Orofino Creamery and/or ice cream.

Harriet Reece shared this story about the Orofino Creamery: "I remember one day when I was a child, someone forgot to lock the door to the freezer. Some of the older boys (I won't name names) discovered this and all the children in the neighborhood had free ice cream."

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Window on the Clearwater
P.O. Box 2444
Orofino, ID 83544
Fax: 208-476-3407