Window on the Clearwater
Traditional news Today's technology
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John Werner is the winner!

Coin machines used by bank tellers is the answer for Week 120 of Orofino History Trivia, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: Calibrated for counting

Tuesday: Coins

Wednesday: Patented 1890

Thursday: Levers

Friday: Removable parts

Saturday: Idaho First National Bank

Monday: Used by tellers

Tuesday: $1, $.50, $.25, $.10, $.05, $.01.

Wednesday: Made in Chicago

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Coin machines were used by bank tellers for many years. This one came from the Idaho First National Bank in Orofino. Idaho First National was located at 333 Michigan Ave. It became West One Bank in 1989 and is now US Bank. Notice the calibrations for counting coins and levers for tellers to count change for customers. On the top is another tray for coins. This coin machine was donated to the Clearwater Historical Museum by Idaho First National Bank.

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