Window on the Clearwater
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Glenna Johnston is the winner of Week 114.

Lawrence Reed Judd is the answer for Week 114 of Orofino History Trivia, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country. Watch for more info about this man whose family members were early day homesteaders in Fraser.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: He was born the height of the depression of 1893 in Moscow

Tuesday: His father homesteaded

Wednesday: Spent some time in his youth freighting into the gold mines behind Pierce

Thursday: Worked to bring an extension agent to Clearwater County

Friday: Was a county commissioner

Saturday: Worked for the creation of Fraser Park

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Window on the Clearwater
P.O. Box 2444
Orofino, ID 83544
Fax: 208-476-3407