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Chuck Johnson, Fairbanks, AK, and Ray Norton identified the photos as being the railroad line up Orofino Creek. Several people identified the photo from Saturday, including Glenna Johnston, Chuck Johnson, John Werner, Ray Norton and Bill Schubach.

Camas Prairie rail line up Orofino Creek from Banner/Whiskey Creek trestle to Station 1068 is the answer for Week 102 of Orofino History Trivia, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country. Can you hear the whistle blow?

Below we have added in red the specific locations of each of the photos along the route. Do they look more familiar now?

Join in the discovery!

Monday: Fohl's Spur at mile 6.15

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Tuesday: Looking west from Rudo Siding at mile 14.0

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Wednesday: What kind of train is this? The photo calls it a "Ballast Train". The location is Below Cedar Canyon at mile 8.56. Chuck said the train was also called "The Logger". Family worked in logging and forest fire fighting during that period of time.

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Thursday: Do you know which section of railroad line these are from? This photo is looking west from Station 1068 at mile 20.22.

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Friday: Chuck Johnson and Ray Norton have identified the photos as being from the railroad tracks along Orofino Creek from Banner to Jaype, but we are still looking for individual locations. Do you know where they are? Tomorrow's photo should catch everyone.

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Saturday: What is the location of this photo? Of course this is Banner or Whiskey trestle which still sits high above Grangemont Rd. John said that his friend and another member of the Orofino High School Class of 1955, Bill Schubach, lived near the west (or south) end of the trestle.

Chuck added: "We used to play on this trestle. It goes over the road to Grangemont and Whiskry Creek as you say, at Banner. If we were on the trestle and heard a train coming we would go to the closest end and get under it so we could look up at the underside of the train. I can remember having hot water dripped on us as the steam engines went over. I've been doing a little research and I guess it was also called the 'Konkolville Trestle'."

Bill said Banner School would be just to the right of the photo. He added: "A little more...Konkols didn't get there until about 1950. At that time we owned all the land the trestle sat on except for the very last little bit in back of the school...our land cutting across the hill in back of the school. Our old house is now occupied by a relation from my Mother's side of the family."

Chuck also shared a link to and interesting web site with photos and information about the Camas Prairie Railroad during the 1990s. You can check it out at: He suggested that people check all the links about the railroad, especially those about the "Woods" and "Vintage".

(Photos courtesy of Clearwater Historical Museum --Burns Photography Co.)

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Window on the Clearwater
P.O. Box 2444
Orofino, ID 83544
Fax: 208-476-3407