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Michael Bushfield, Eureka, Mont., is the Winner!

Teakean is the answer for Clearwater History Trivia #664, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country. Watch each day for another clue.

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Monday: Northwest of Orofino

Tuesday: A switchboard

Wednesday: Meadows

Thursday: About 3,000 feet in elevation

Friday: Nez Perce trail


Saturday (4-29-23): Homesteads

Monday (5-1-23): A store that people walked to

Tuesday (5-2-23): A post office

Wednesday (5-3-23): Average precipitation is 25-40 inches

Thursday (5-4-23): Average 40-45 degrees F

Information from USDA soil series, Sadie Belle Carey by Doug Huffman and Idaho Place Names: A Geographical Dictionary by Lalia Boone.

Teakean, 10 miles northwest of Orofino, is named for the Nez Perce term meaning a series of little meadows. It is on what was a Nez Perce trail. The Nez Perce had a summer camp about 12 miles north of where the Teakean store was. They sometimes came to trade for supplies.

Its elevation ranges from 1,600 feet to 4,300 feet on Teakean Butte, but averages about 3,000 feet. According to USDA the average precipitation is 25-40 inches and the temperature averages between 40- and 45-degrees Fahrenheit. The frost-free season is 80-125 days.

According to Doug Huffman, if Teakean has a founder it would be Fred Choate. Choate homesteaded at the present address of about 1894 Freeman Creek Rd. and proved up on the homestead on Dec. 5, 1884. He built a sawmill and supplied lumber to various other homesteaders who were building houses and barns. He and his wife, Mamie, opened a store at the intersection of what is now Freeman Creek and Yenni Rd. The store may be the first thing to bear the name 'Teakean' in the community.

People may have been in a hurry when they arrived, but seldom left soon since Choate loved to talk. People could purchase almost anything they needed there. Mamie operated a telephone switchboard and they also had a post office. Fred died in 1939 and Mamie continued to operate the store until she passed away in 1940. The post office and switchboard were moved to Cavendish and the Teakean store ceased to exist.

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Orofino, ID 83544
Orofino 476 0733
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