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Michael Bushfield, Eureka, Mont., is the Winner!

Mabel Frazier is the answer for Clearwater History Trivia #661, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: Good at needlework

Tuesday: Was a librarian for many years

Wednesday: Worked at the Helgeson

Thursday: Liked gardening

Friday: Charter member of the Pierce PTA

Info from her printed obituary and Clearwater Reflections Spring 1988:

Mabel Josephina Frazier was born in Genesee on Feb. 2, 1910 to William and L'OtilleTetzloff Commick. She moved to Orofino in 1929 after attending Lewiston Business College. She worked for a time as a cook at the Helgeson Hotel where she met her husband, Albert Frazier. Their first home was a tent at Camp 12 on Snake Creek. They built the log house at Hollywood. In 1942, they purchased the Pierce Chevron Station, which she helped operate until 1952. She also cared for 17 children besides her own, making sure that each attended school. Mabel also worked at the Pierce drugstore and was the librarian at Pierce for many years.

In addition, she worked at the post office and ran the first health clinic in Pierce.

She was a charter member of the Pierce PTA, 60-year member of the Rebekah Lodge and served as state president. She was also involved in Theta Rho. She was good at needlework and also did a lot of gardening, sewing and fishing in her spare time.

Mabel died Aug. 14, 2000 at age 90.

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