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Mike Bushfield, Eureka, MT, is the Winner!

Harold W. Servatius is the answer for Clearwater History Trivia #635, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: Born in Kansas

Tuesday: Ham radio operator

Wednesday: Expert photographer

Thursday: Owned an Orofino business

Friday: Was said to make others smile

Saturday: Had five children

Harold W. Servatius was a longtime resident of Orofino and Lewiston. He owned Servatius Jewelry in Orofino until 1970 when he moved to Lewiston where continued to work in jewelry stores repairing watches until he retired.

He was born in Kansas in 1911. He and his wife, Louise, were married in 1937 and five children. After she passed away in 1952, he married Elnora Surry who died in 1999.

His obituary describes him as a smart businessman, a member of several organizations and a devout Catholic. He was a Navy MARS ham radio operator for almost 40 years and an expert photographer. In his younger days, Harold enjoyed square dancing. He could repair anything and had an infectious grin that made everyone smile.

An important part of his life was playing (and winning) card games. Harold especially enjoyed family gatherings with his children and siblings.

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