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Michael Bushfield, Eureka, MT, is the winner!

Elmer Laudenbach is the answer for Clearwater History Trivia #624, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: CCC

Tuesday: Three daughters

Wednesday: Shooting was one of his passions

Elmer Robert Laudenbach graduated from high school in Clarkston, WA, in 1929.

He was offered a football scholarship to Washington State College, but chose to work in the Grangemont area for the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC). It was there he met his wife, Margaret Cyr. They were married in 1934 and had three daughters.

His first job in Orofino was at the White Pine Planer. He joked that he had way too much fun. He joked that he shouldn't have taken that first job because he worked six days a week for the rest of his working life. He spent a short while at Orofino Builders Supply, but the majority of his working life was with Riverside Lumber Company as a shipping dock working-manager/bookkeeper.

His passions were hiking, fishing and shooting. He did some flying in his early years that also held fond memories for him. He loved the land, which included his "Hill". When he could no longer walk, he drove his four-wheeler to the top, where he would sit and commune with nature and relive his memories.

Elmer was born Aug. 29, 1911 at Anatone, WA. He died Oct. 17, 2008 and his ashes were buried in his beloved hill.

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