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Michael Bushfield, Eureka, MT, is the winner!

Adolph Weholt is the answer for Clearwater History Trivia #620, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: A stream by their name

Tuesday: Began their career as a lookout

Wednesday: Led a trail building crew

Thursday: Supervised building of a cabin

Adolph Weholt was a native of Harpster and started his career with the Forest Service as a lookout on Iron Mountain in 1907. That winter, he led crews to construct the Selway River Trail. By 1909, he was employed full-time as a ranger at Elk Summit. In 1911, he supervised the construction of a cabin. He was promoted to the supervisor of the St. Joe National Forest in 1912.

Dolph Creek was named for him. It flows from the divide at the south end of Hoodoo Lake into the East Fork of Moose Creek in the Selway-Bitterroot Wilderness.

Source--U.S. Forest Service-Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests Facebook page

According to Find A Grave: Adolph was born in Norman County, MN, in 1882 and died in Santa Barbara, CA in 1956. He is buried in the Harpster Cemetery.

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