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Michael Bushfield, Eureka, MT, is the winner!

BJ Carney and Co. Poleyard is the answer for Clearwater History Trivia #614, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: Employee notices

Tuesday: 5A

Wednesday: Vacation policy

Thursday: 125 feet

Friday: Dale McDougal

Saturday: Trucks

Monday: Ahsahka

Tuesday: Other locations

Wednesday: From Camp Y

Thursday: Longer than the usual

BJ Carney and Co. to those that lived in this area was the pole yard that was located at Ahsahka. Still today, fishermen often refer to the area as "Pole Yard Hole".

According to a post by Brandy Denison in Facebook group 6C Idaho, Orofino, Weippe, Her family bought the old scale shack that was in much disrepair, but she saved the numbers 5A off of it along with the door, the shelf and three windows. While gathering up she also found pieces of memorabilia like employee notices and a cheat sheet for Washington log prices.

Another post in the group by Lynn Hill Frey shows the longest pole ever taken to Carney Pole Yard. It was taken out on a truck driven by Dale McDougal. He drove down the North Fork Road, but when entering Ahsahka, the turn onto the Ahsahka Bridge could not be made because of the length of the pole. The truck was driven up Cavendish Rd. and then backed across the bridge at Ahsahka and all the way to the pole yard. It came from near Camp Y on the North Fork in 1951. The post says it was cut by Ellis and Ruth Nelson.

To see more of this history group, see:

BJ Carney's enterprises were much larger than the pole yard that people were familiar with. His biography at, speaks of his many business involvements. It says he was born in Ireland and came to this country with his parents when he was nine years old. They settled in Chicago where he attended public school. His father was engaged in business.

Bernard Joseph Carney went to Bryant & Stratton Business School, then the leading commercial school in the city. After business school, he worked for several years as a bookkeeper for several years, but wanted to go into business on his own. He came to Grinnell, IA, in 1880, purchased a half interest in a lumber business and from that point in his career his prosperity and advancement grew. He and E.B. Brande formed BJ Carney and Company in 1907 to conduct a wholesale business in poles. He also had business interests in coal and a telephone exchange.

He married E.M. Tibbits and they had five children. It is said of him that no interest of childhood was too unimportant if it claimed the interest of his children. To them he was a companion and friend, as well as father.

He was also well read on a variety of subjects and very involved and supportive of his community in Grinnell.

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