Window on the Clearwater
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Mike Lubke, Orofino, Sam Bacharach, Lumpkin County, GA, and Michael Bushfield, Eureka, MT, are the winners!

Orogrande is the answer for Clearwater History Trivia #594, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: Campgrounds

Tuesday: Very warm in summer

Wednesday: Lots of snow in winter

Thursday: Mining

Friday: Same name in two counties

Monday: Oasis of trade during mining days

Tuesday: Gold, copper, silver

Wednesday: A ghost town

Thursday: One is not far from Buffalo Hump

Orogrande was a popular name in both Clearwater and Idaho counties during the mining days.

'Old' Orogrande is near Buffalo Hump in Idaho County. It was an old mining town. There is a creek running near the town. From 1902-31 an estimated $69,598 in gold was taken from the mining district. It was known as an oasis of trade during the Buffalo Hump mining boom in the late 1890s and early 1900s. In 1914, among other structures, there was a store, post office, hotel and school. There is also a 'New' Orogrande.

The Butte and Orogrande Mine is a copper, silver and gold mine located in Idaho County at an elevation of 4,800 feet. The area is quite warm in summer, but snowy in winter. There are also two campgrounds in the area.

In Clearwater County's case, William Basset found gold east of Orofino Creek and from the nature of the gold called it Orogrande. That name was given to Orogrande Creek which rises in the north central part of the county and flows into the North Fork of the Clearwater River.

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Window on the Clearwater
P.O. Box 2444
Orofino, ID 83544
Orofino 476 0733
Fax: 208-476-4140