Window on the Clearwater
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Sam Bacharach, Lumpkin County, GA, and Mike Lubke, Orofino, are the winners!

Camp 60 is the answer for Clearwater History Trivia #578, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: A key in the system

Tuesday: Popular today

Wednesday (July 10): North Fork drainage

Wednesday (Aug. 21): Most active 1948-1963

Thursday (Aug. 22): White pine

Saturday (Aug. 24): Rails

Monday (Aug. 26): Public Lands Access Year-round (PLAY)

Tuesday (Aug. 27): Lower Washingtom Creek

Wednesday (Aug. 28): Insect and disease problems

Thursday (Aug. 29): Changed to truck haul

Friday (Aug. 30): Foreman

Saturday (Aug. 31): Flunkies

Tuesday (Sept. 3): Potlatch

Wednesday (Sept. 4): Workers

Thursday (Sept. 5): A number designation

In Tom Farbo's book, White Pine, Wobblies and Wannigans, he describes Potlatch Camp 60 as a key terminus camp. It was located on Lower Washington Creek in the North Fork of the Clearwater River Drainage.

The camp was most active from 1948-1963. It began as a rail camp but was later changed to one from which logs were hauled out by truck. The vast stands of white pine began to suffer from an epidemic of insects and disease and Potlatch accelerated the harvest of these trees during that 15-year period. When the camp was closed, the buildings were removed and the steel rain line removed.

During its heyday, Camp 60 had the traditional crew positions including foremen, flunkies and loggers.

The area is popular today with groups like Public Lands Access Year-round (PLAY) for various outdoor recreational activities. PLAY's annual rally begins at Camp 60.

Trivia Archives

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