Window on the Clearwater
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Keith Hedrick is the winner!

Join us for Clearwater History Trivia #572, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country. Watch each day for another clue.

When you think you know the answer, drop us an email at: Please, let us know where you are from, if it is out of the area.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: Sediment loading

Tuesday: A master plan

Wednesday: Had a purpose

Thursday: Desynchronized

Friday: Impaired fishery

Saturday: Flooding

Monday: Habitat restoration

Tuesday: Evaluate bridges

Wednesday: Use local expertise, equipment and volunteers

Thursday: Create opportunities for acces and recreation

Friday: Address causes of flooding

Saturday: Steelhead and bull trout

Monday: Upper reaches a factor

Tuesday: Bank instability

Wednesday: Extensive use of riprap bank stabilization

Thursday: Tries to regain its original channel

Friday: Improvement of water quality

Saturday: Hydraulic and engineering design elements

Monday: Natural materials

Tuesday: Goals and objectives

Wedesday: Areas of impairment

Thursday: Less expensive than disaster relief costs

More clues to come

Friday, 3-1-19: Constrictions and debris jams

Saturday: Needs a discharge gauge

Monday: Has been redirected

Tuesday: Work at the mouth

In addition to sustaining flood damage in 1996, Orofino Creek experienced extensive sediment loading that caused severe bank erosion, loss of riparian vegetation and filling of the important pool habitat. A large, unstable delta formed at the mouth of Orofino Creek. Among other impairments was that to the fishery that many Orofino residents remember. Efforts to obtain permits to do work in the mouth of the creek were impacted by concerns about threatened and endangered species such as steelhead and bull trout. Due to those concerns, a master plan was developed to accomplish both flood control and habitat restoration objectives.

Clearwater County and Clearwater County Project Impact Flood Committee engaged the services of Water Consulting, Inc. (WCI) to prepare a watershed assessment and master plan for habitat restoration and flood mitigation for the lower portion of Orofino Creek in the City of Orofino. WCI did assessments and engaged the public in the process to see what their experience was with flooding and what their expectations were for mitigation and restoration. In August 2002, a kick-off meeting was held to define roles, discuss project issues and identify project goals and objectives.

Twenty-six potential projects were identified with seven particularly highlighted. The projects were expected to create a more stable capable of conveying the discharge and transporting the sediment coming from the watershed. Projects were set to do in phases. Of particular notice was work at the mouth of Orofino Creek between the Main St. Bridge and the Clearwater River.

Many of the clues above speak of pieces and concepts in the master plan.

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Window on the Clearwater
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Orofino, ID 83544
Orofino 476 0733
Fax: 208-476-4140