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Suther A. Dunlap is the answer for Number 534 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: Born in Canada

Tuesday: Homesteaded near Juliaetta

Wednesday: Farmed

Thursday: Traded and bought land to move to Orofino

Friday: Buried in Orofino

Saturday: Left a large posterity

Monday: Raised cattle

Tuesday: Knights of Pytheus

Wednesday: Sang in a choir

Thursday: Grew cherries

Friday: Was vice president of the Clearwater River Fruit Growers' Union

Saturday: Hauled a load of lumber for the first school in Orofino

Monday: Sold fruit and ornamnetal trees

Tuesday: Involved in the community

Wednesday: A street with his name

Thursday: Wife named Jeannette

Friday: Daughter married a Shriver

Suther Archibald Dunlap was born June 3, 1854 in Nova Scotia, Canada. and died June 4, 1937, just one day after his 83rd birthday. He and his wife, Jeannette are buried in Riverside Cemetery in Orofino, but that doesn't begin to tell his story.

The couple homesteaded near Juliaetta after moving from Canada, but they wanted to have more of what today might be called a 'truck farm', so they traded and bought land to come to Orofino. They raised cattle, had an orchard including cherry trees and grew other produce sold locally. He was also the vice president of the Clearwater River Fruit Growers Union and sold fruit and ornamental trees, according citations in newspapers of the time.

He sang in a choir that performed for Memorial Day services in 1904 and was an officer in the Knights of Pytheus. He hauled one of the loads of lumber for the first schoolhouse in Orofino. There is a road that bears the family name 'Dunlap' that goes to Orofino Junior/Senior High School and beyond to a residential area.

Suther and Jeanette had three sons and a daughter, Edith. Edith married Ralph Shriver who came from another pioneer family in Clearwater County. They left quite a posterity, some remain in Oroifno.

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Orofino, ID 83544
Orofino 476 0733
Fax: 208-476-4140
