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Major Frank A Fenn is the answer for Number 506 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country. Watch each day for another clue.

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Monday: Early leader

Tuesday: Involved in the Nez Perce Indian War

Wednesday: A political appointee

Thursday: Well educated

Friday: From a pioneer family

Saturday: Served in various capacities in the Forest Service

Monday: Attained the rank of Major in the Spanish-American War

Major Frank A Fenn served as superintendent of all the Forest Reserves in North Idaho, according to The Clearwater Story: A History of the Clearwater National Forest.

He attained thr rank of Major in the Spanish-American War and served during the Nez Perce conflict. Fenn was from a pioneer family and was well educated. He was a political appointee, having been a great friend and personal secretary for ex-Govenor McConnell.

Fenn was the first speaker of the Idaho House Representatives. He also served in various capacities in the Forest Service, retiring when he was Assistant Regional Forester in 1920.

To learn more about him, see the web page:

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