John Werner, Scarsdale, NY, and Ray Norton, Orofino are the winners! Dull Axe Mountain is the answer for Week 498 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country. Join in the discovery! Monday: Granitic and metamorphic rocks Tuesday: Northeast of Headquarters Wednesday: Has a distinctive appearance Thursday: A thick layer of volcanic ash on top Friday: 1999th highest mountain in Idaho and the 24628th highest mountain in the United States From a distance, Dull Axe Mountain looks like the blade of an axe with a nick in it. It is 5,089 feet high and according to peakery is the 1999th highest mountain in Idaho and 24628th highest mountain in the United States. It is located about five miles north and five miles east of Headquarters in the Browns Rock Quadrangle, according to the USDA web site. It has deep well drained soils formed in material weathered from granitic and metamorphic rocks with a thck covering of volcanic ash, the web site said. CTPA had a fire lookout on Dull Axe. A crow's nest lookout was built on the mountain in 1915 and pole platform in 1927. A log cabin was built in 1934. It was destroyed in 1957, according to To see a photo of the burned over area from the 1910 fire see: Sponsored by:
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Window on the Clearwater P.O. Box 2444 Orofino, ID 83544 Orofino 476 0733 Fax: 208-476-4140 |