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Ray Norton is the winner!

Chinese Joss House is the answer for Week 495 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: A two-story building

Tuesday: An important part of society

Wednesday: Pierce

Thursday: South end of Main

Friday: Gambling room

Saturday: Was torn down as a fire hazard

A Joss House was an important part of Chinese society as a meeting place and temple. Pierce's first Joss House was a two-story log building which was at the south end of Main St., according to the web site,

A gambling room took up most of the first floor. The other part had a kitchen and two bedrooms. On the second floor was a temple, large room for religious meetings that was seldom entered by a white man. The first one was torn down in 1904 or 1905 when it became a fire hazard. The second one too has disappeared.

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