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Idaho Inn is the answer for Week 465 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: Had a large dining room

Tuesday: Was available for community meetings, banquets, etc.

Wednesday: It burned and was not rebuilt.

Thursday: Owned by different families over the years.

Friday: Lee and Mary Steiner

Idaho Inn was a popular restaurant in the 1950s and 1960s. It has been the topic of a discussion the 6C, Orofino, Weippe, Pierce, Greer and surrounding area Facebook page of recent times.

An ad from the 1950s says it was located three miles west of Orofino putting in the area of U.S. Highway 12 and 115th St. The ad says it was open from 8 a.m. to 2 a.m. daily and served dinner specials from 6-9 p.m. including chicken dinners and sea food 'served he way you like them'. It also had a large dining room open for banquets and business meetings, along with free dancing.

At one time it was owned by Clyde and Dorothy Frost, then Lee and Mary Steiner. Later Mary ran it with Carl Peterson until it burned and was not rebuilt.

Share your memories of the Idaho Inn and check out the 6C Facebook page at:

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Window on the Clearwater
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Orofino, ID 83544
Orofino 476 0733
Fax: 208-476-4140