Window on the Clearwater
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John Werner, Scarsdale, NY, and Chuck Johnson, Fairbanks, AK are the winners!

Trappers is the answer for Week 460 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: One of the earliest uses

Tuesday: Some people came from Montana and some from Idaho to do this.

Wednesday: Some worked for the Forest Service seasonally.

Thursday: Could be a solitary lifestyle

Friday: Some of them worked in both Idaho and Montana.

Saturday: Various types of animals were involved.

Monday: After 1920 some of the area was game preserve.

Tuesday: Out of state licenses were expensive.

Wednesday: Martens popular

Thursday: Mink, fox, beaver, otter, lynx, wildcat, coyotes, bear

Friday: Forest Service kept no records so it is hard to trace

According to The Clearwater Story: A History of the Clearwater National Forest, trapping is the oldest use made of what is now the Clearwater National Forest. Unfortunately, the Forest Service kept no records of trappers making it more difficult to research the history.

Trappers entered the back country from both the Montana and Idaho sides. Frequently, those who lived in Montana and trapped in Idaho would not admit their traplines were there. Out-of-state licenses were expensive and in 1920 a large area along the border in Idaho was a game preserve where trapping was illegal. It was a big country and few were ever caught trespassing.

They trapped martens, mink, fox, beaver, otter, lynx, wildcat, coyotes and black and grizzly bear. The marten was trapped the most. When made into fur, it sold on the market as sable and commanded a high price.

When they were not trapping, many of the me worked for the Forest Service during the summer months. Others were prospectors when there was no snow to interfere with their work.

To learn more about some of the individuals see

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