Window on the Clearwater
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Chuck Johnson, Fairbanks, AK; Kay Defrancesco, Rathdrum; John Werner, Scarsdale, NY and Harriet Reece, Cavendish and Lewiston are the winners!

Kerosene lantern is the answer for Week 446 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

Join in the discovery!

Monday: Portable

Tuesday: Needs fuel

Wednesday: Widely used in rural areas

Thursday: There are still some in use today.

Friday: A light source

Saturday: Has a wick or mantle

Kerosene lanterns were and still are used for light sources in areas where electricty is not available or too costly. Some of the early ones sat on tables and some were portable. The lanterns have a wick or mantle, usually protected by a glass chimney or globe. There are also pressurized kerosene lamps that are more complex in construction and have a gas wick and gas generator.

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