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Chuck Johnson, Fairbanks, AK is the winner!

Ira B. Jenks is the answer for Week 436 of Orofino History Trivia a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: Made a living on the land

Tuesday: 1914

Wednesday: Applied for a homestead

Thursday: Rafted cedar poles

Friday: Floated them out of the North Fork to Ahsahka

Saturday: Homesteaded on the left bank of the North Fork of the Clearwater

Ira Bruce Jenks was born in Washington in 1887. He served as a soldier and was honorably discharged Jan. 24, 1919. He married Doris Grace Hanchett in Nez Perce, Idaho on Sept. 8, 1925.

He applied for a homestead on property that was on the left bank of the North Fork of the Clearwater in 1914. He, along with some of his brothers and friends, built cedar pole rafts that they floated down the river to Ahsahka as they worked to make a living on the land.

He died June 11, 1934 and is buried in Riverside Cemetery in Orofino.

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Orofino 476 0733
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