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William Apgar is the answer for Week 433 of Orofino History Trivia, a special feature to celebrate the history and heritage of Clearwater Country.

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Monday: He had a penchant for perfection.

Tuesday: He always went into the field with a Colt strapped to his hip.

Wednesday: He took the lead on a big trial of new equipment.

Thursday: Earned a degree at Yale School of Forestry

Friday: He did his thesis on grazing and then got interested in radio and got an amateur license.

Saturday: Thought of himself as a ranger who used electronic communication to get a job done

Monday: Spent 20 years as the Regional Communications Officer

Tuesday: There are locations that have his name.

Thursday: The trials in 1933 had a 96.5 percent success rate.

Friday: Described as a 'nice guy' by supervisors and coworkers

Saturday: Decided some radios were useful and some were not

Monday: You may have stopped at the campround or creek that bear his name.

Tuesday: He was never one to shun responsibilites or fear adversity.

Thursday: 1932

Friday: Assistant Forester at Savenac

Saturday: He was an integral part of the region's communication projects.

William Apgar worked for Region I of the Forest Service and was an integral part of setting up their radio systems in the 1930s. According to the publication Forest History, he had a penchant for perfection and always went into the field witha Colt on his hip, though he never had to use it. He was never one to shun responsibility rr fear adversity and was described by supervisors and coworkers as a 'nice guy'.

He did his thesis on grazing before graduating from Yale and then got interested in radio and got an amateur license. He believed that a radio system, particularly for remote areas, was something that would benefit the Forest Service. Apgar assessed their 1933 experiments as being 96.5 percent successful. He also found that some types of radios were not well suited to the needs of the communication system.

His name remains on several locations such as a campground and a creek.

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Window on the Clearwater
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Orofino, ID 83544
Orofino 476 0733
Fax: 208-476-4140